1999 Short Items
The Old Millennium 30 December 1999 [Scoop Column]
The Change of Millennium is Upon Us 24 December 1999
The Balance of Payments and Macroeconomic Policy 23 December 1999 [Scoop Column]
Labour has the Balance of Power 16 December 1999 [Scoop Column]
No Seattle Washington Consensus 9 December 1999 [Scoop Column]
Election Reflection 2 December 1999 [Scoop Column]
Maori-Pakeha Political Tensions 26 November 1999
Damned Lies and the Third "R" 25 November 1999 [Scoop Column]
Act on Income Tax and Property Rights 18 November 1999 [Scoop Column]
Underscrutinised Political Agendas 17 November 1999
A Government of the Centre? 11 November 1999 [Scoop Column]
More Tax Cuts for the Rich? 4 November 1999 [Scoop Column]
Deconstructing Student Loans 29 October 1999
FPP rears its ugly head 28 October 1999 [Scoop Column]
Where communism succeeded and capitalism failed 21 October 1999 [Scoop Column]
Global Demographics 14 October 1999 [Scoop Column]
MMP Commonsense 7 October 1999 [Scoop Column]
Another Black October? 30 September 1999 [Scoop Column]
Ansett New Zealand pilots confront 1990s' reality 23 September 1999 [Scoop Column]
Higher Salaries 16 September 1999 [Scoop Column]
Constructing an Extranational Social Wage 9 September 1999 [Scoop Column]
When we Ignore a Burning Fuse 2 September 1999 [Scoop Column]
Solving Auckland's Transport Woes 29 August 1999
Free Trade and Economic Correctness 26 August 1999 [Scoop Column]
A knowledge economy for the many or for the few? 23 August 1999
Whither the Bourgeoisie? 19 August 1999 [Scoop Column]
The Crown's Ownership Interest 12 August 1999 [Scoop Column]
Democracy, MMP and Press Responsibility 5 August 1999 [Scoop Column]
New Zealand's Ageing Non-Workforce 29 July 1999 [Scoop Column]
Valuing Scientists 22 July 1999 [Scoop Column]
Inflation and Monetary Policy 19 July 1999 [StatsWatch]
Tax Cuts according to Tau, Dick and Bill 15 July 1999 [Scoop Column]
Mean Wages and Median Incomes 12 July 1999 [StatsWatch]
Josiah Beeman and American Economics 10 July 1999
Non-Custodial Parenthood should not be a Life Sentence 8 July 1999 [Scoop Column]
Capital Formation in New Zealand 5 July 1999 [StatsWatch]
The Parental Tax Credit and the Welfare State 1 July 1999 [Scoop Column]
Jenny Shipley, Kim Campbell and Bill English 30 June 1999
A Sound Economic Recovery? 28 June 1999 [StatsWatch]
Rwanda, Kosovo and Serbia 27 June 1999
American Trade Policy 2 June 1999
Working Women and the Parental Tax Credit 29 May 1999
New Zealand's Electricity Reforms 23 May 1999
Paid Parental Leave or a Poor Parents' Benefit? 17 May 1999
Clinton's Kosovan Vision 16 May 1999
Kosovo: more than a US / IMF / Mafia conspiracy? 11 April 1999
A Threat to Representative Democracy? 7 March 1999
Science, Medicine and Liam Williams-Holloway 24 February 1999
Trust, not Control 23 February 1999
A People's Bank? 3 February 1999
U-Turns, Deal Making, and Political Rejection 31 January 1999
Interest Rates and Inflation 29 January
(comment from Matthew Smith, University of Sydney)
Does "The Public" mean all of us, equally? 24 January
Inflation, Deflation and Monetary Policy 19 January
© 1999 rankinfile @ woosh.co.nz